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Rabbi Yosef Wartelsky



R' Yosef Wartelsky, or "Reb Joe" as he's been called for years in camp, is a seasoned camp guy.
R' Yosef attributes much of his personal growth to the exceptionally relaxed yet Torah-true atmosphere he experienced during his many years in camp. With more than a decade of experience in head staff positions, Yosef set out to create a camp that blends the old and the new: unparalleled warmth, geshmak and ehrlichkeit, together with a creative approach towards developing each child’s unique potential. Fully aware of the hashpa’a that camp can have on a child’s upbringing, tremendous care has been taken to handpick staff that are concrete role models, and who are thoroughly attuned to the present day chinuch climate - people who just “get” today’s kids.
With a unique ability to identify and cultivate an individual’s talent, Reb Joe is excited to embark upon this venture and make a difference in many lives.

Rav Tzvi Yaakov Stein שליט״א

מרא דאתרא


Rav Tzvi Yaakov Stein has become one of the leading poskim in the Far Rockaway/Five Towns community in recent years. Rav Stein, a talmid of Rav Hillel David, fields questions from people of all ages on a tremendous range of topics in halacha. As a Rosh Kollel in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, Rav Stein's approachable and easygoing nature have made him an immeasurably valuable asset for countless people who are seeking halachic and hashkafic advice. Camp Maaminim is honored to have a marah d'asrah from whom staff and campers alike will gain tremendously.

Rabbi Tsvi Greenfield

Head Counselor


Rabbi Tsvi Greenfield is a beloved 12th grade Rebbi in Mesivta Ateres Yaakov in Lawrence, NY. Dedicated and warm, he is known to connect with each Talmid and motivate him to succeed. His passion for teaching Torah and fostering self-confidence in his talmidim makes him a sought-after mechanech. Whether leading an erev shabbos kumzitz, quarterbacking a recess football game, or just schmoozing with the bachurim, Rabbi Greenfield uses his considerable talents to build relationships and inspire others. Rabbi Greenfield has extensive experience in both administrative and educational positions, having served as Director of Student Activities and Extra Curricular Programming at the Mesivta, as well as Head Counselor and Learning Director at Camp Areivim for many summers, and weekly maggid shiur at Khal Zichron Moshe Dov in Far Rockaway.

Rabbi Peretz Strickman

Learning Director

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Rabbi Peretz Strickman is a sixth grade Rebbe in Yeshiva Darchei Torah, located in Far Rockaway, NY. Known for his signature warmth and engaging personality, Rabbi Strickman exudes a deep love of learning and ruchnius that draws each of his talmidim in.
A member of the afternoon Kollel Mechanchim Tirtzah Devorah, Rabbi Strickman’s personal connection to learning fuels his passion to share the light of Torah with others. Rabbi Strickman has been a learning Rebbe for sixth through eighth graders over the past eight summers. With close to a decade’s experience in classroom teaching and individualized Gemara tutoring, Rabbi Strickman is also the local coordinator of the V’Haarev Na Learning Program for bar mitzvah age bachurim.

Rabbi Ezra Dworetsky

Rosh Mesivta

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Rabbi Ezra Dworetsky of Passaic, NJ is currently the rosh mesivta and 12th Grade maggid shiur at Yeshiva of Far Rockaway. A true talmid chacham and an experienced mechanech, R’ Dworetsky adds a tremendous amount to Camp Maaminim’s unparalleled atmosphere of ruchnius. As a veteran former learning director, and current staff mashgiach, R’ Dworetsky maintains an impressive equilibrium of positivity and structure. His divrei halacha set a tone of growth and responsibility, and his dynamic persona draw in both counselors and campers alike. Having R’ Dworetsky on staff is a privilege we don’t take for granted!

Rabbi Yitzy Neuman

Division Head


Rabbi Yitzy Neuman, 4th grade Rebbe in Ohr Yehuda and general studies teacher in 
Etz Chaim, is tremendously beloved in the Lakewood community not just because of his own talents, but because of the value he naturally finds in others. Parents and children alike are drawn to his ayin tov, his incredible ability to see good in each individual he meets. In addition to a full schedule of teaching and private tutoring, Rabbi Neuman also spends part of his day in Ohr Yehuda’s Kollel Mechanchim. He is a natural role model of a balanced ben Torah.
Rabbi Neuman has years of hands-on camping experience, having been division head in Camp Kesher, as well as past years as learning Rebbe in Camp Yachad.

Genuine and passionate, Rabbi Neuman brings authenticity and ambition to any setting.
We are so gratified to have him on board as junior division head.

Rabbi Nechemia Weiss

Division Head

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Rabbi Nechemia Weiss, tremendously beloved 4th Grade Rebbi in Yeshiva Darchei Torah, is an incredible new asset to Camp Maaminim. 

A popular Kinyan HaMasechta maggid shiur for local baal habatim,
Rabbi Weiss’ energetic appeal is absolutely without an age limit. 

A native of Inwood, NY, Rabbi Weiss is a highly sought after tutor for elementary students of all ages and an actively involved member of the Five Towns based Anchor mentoring program.

Rabbi Weiss was formerly a Senior Division Head in Areivim Day Camp of the Five Towns, and we are confident that he will shine as our new Junior Division Head. We are extremely excited to welcome him to the Maaminim team!

Rabbi Aaron Wahl

Division Head


R’ Aharon Wahl, is an unparalleled 5th grade Rebbi in Yeshiva Darchei Torah, and we are thrilled that he is joining the Maaminim administration!
With his easygoing, can-do attitude, Rabbi Wahl is a favorite among his students and their  parents alike. Rabbi Wahl has been running Baderech, a popular traveling camp based in Far Rockaway for the past two summers, and also coordinates a night seder program for 6th-8th graders in Inwood, NY. Creative, relatable, and approachable, there is little Rabbi Wahl won’t do for his talmidim. We’re so gratified to welcome him to the Maamimim team!

Rabbi Yair Kenig

Division Head 

Night Activity Director


Rabbi Yair Kenig is known for his unique ability to strike that perfect balance between lebedik and torahdik. A current Rebbe in Mesivta Chaim Shlomo in Far Rockaway and former member of Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz’s Kollel in Yerushalayim, R’ Yair has been training in outreach and demonstrates a real understanding of others’ needs. In past years, R’ Yair has been a division head in Camp Bonim, and recently ran a very popular teen program in the Catskill Mountains. Patient, compassionate and geshmak, it is not unusual to see R’ Yair in deep conversation with a camper or three.

We are excited for our campers to experience R’ Yair’s ruach, talent and passion!

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